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Saturday, February 25, 2012

LXXVII. Christianity-Lite

We were called to be the light of the world not lite in the the world.

Churches reach out to seekers but without any substance.  They cater to those who have never known Christ but show them just a shadow of who He really is.  Here is an example of this:  a certain church service used a song by a modern pop rock band as a worship song.  The song did have a strong message and if some words were taken out it could have been mistaken for a Christian song.  But the band when looked at from a fuller picture does not have the most positive message for people to hear.  What type of message is this church giving to the congregation and the culture that is looking for Christ?  Worship God by using non-meaningful words to stir a secular emotion?  And then try to tell people the greatness of God...

It's not the music style that is the problem.  It's not the song in itself that is the problem.  It is the deeper meaning of what worship is supposed to be about.  God looks for those who truly worship not ones that just go through the motions.

  • The purpose of Christ is simple:  He died because of our sins and He rose again so those sins are gone.
  • The message of Christ is simple:  follow His teachings and you have eternal life.
  • The teachings of Christ are simple:  there is a way that leads to life and that is to leave your pride behind and do what is right
If all of these are simple then why are churches making it so hard for people to understand who Christ really is?  They give them the watered-down version.  When this type of version is given to the people then the three simple things mentioned above become hard to follow.  Jesus becomes less important because lifestyles aren't changed that much.  Sure, we all have messy spirits and souls to deal with, but those who know the truth of Christ know not to be satisfied with this messiness.  When we accept Christ we are supposed to be a new creation, one that has gotten rid of the old life.  Jesus said that we can not serve two masters.  If we do not give up our old lives then how do you live a new one?  We are supposed to use the new wine with new wine skins.  What does this all mean?  If you really want to believe in Christ and want to live a new life, then you have to get rid of the old ways.  If you do not, your life will never be fully complete.

Many people, even church leaders, think using that are popular to the world is a way to reach a culture that has been lost.  They feel if you use their language and their styles then they will accept who Jesus is easier.  For the most part, of course this seems like the right thing to do.  These people need to see how much they need a savior in their life.  But if you never show them that the reason why they need a savior is because of their present lifestyles and then don't do anything to change their lifestyles because all you are doing to imitating them, then they will never know the truth.  But leaders will argue that Jesus went to the culture such as when he ate with Matthew and all of those whom the Jews considered sinners.  Yes, Jesus went to the culture but didn't become one of them.  Today the church has become part of the culture and is now being lost in the culture.

We are sending missionaries out into the world.  It is a shame that they may have to send them back into the churches.  Churches need to get back to the truth and stop pulling punches.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

LXXVI. Parenting 101

Bill Cosby said that if a child says no to you that didn't bother him so much.  Because if tell a child to come to you and he says no, you go get them...that means yes.  It's when a parent doesn't do what they mean that bothers him.

Well here is another father that knows what he is doing.  http://news.yahoo.com/dad-shoots-daughters-laptop-over-facebook-post-video-222929321.html.  He did the right thing. 
  • Jordan writes in the video description: "Maybe a few kids can take something away from this... If you're so disrespectful to your parents and yourself as to post this kind of thing on Facebook, you're deserving of some tough love. Today, my daughter is getting a dose of tough love."
He took power away from the child and put it right back into his hands, where it should be, the parent.  In today's time children get away with way too much.  They rule over the parent and the parent caves in.  They try and manipulate every situation and the parent either is dumb or plays dumb and the spoiled brat gets away with it.

Take it from a school teacher (ask any of them).  A student talks too much, get disrespectful, doesn't listen to instructions, never brings materials to class, doesn't care about finishing any work, sleeps in class, is late to class everyday, always has to go to the restroom or nurse or counselor, and then gets an F in class.  The parent comes down to talk to you and yell at you because their child is a good kid.  And if you yell at the child for not doing what they are supposed to be doing, heaven forbid you could lose your job.  Then the schools are blamed for an uneducated society.  Question:  where does education begin?  Answer:  in the home!

Parents are the first line of defense for children.  They need to be examples and set the rules.  They need to be firm and moral.  They need to be consistent and knowledgeable.  They need to know when to trust and when not to trust.  They need to take action...period.  Of course the one major mistake this father did was to allow his child an account on Facebook.  The lap top cost money, Facebook was free.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

LXXV. Purpose in life

Many of us go on through life not understanding who we are or where we come from.  That is why one of the most talked about topics are God, the beginning of man and the universe, and life in general.  We are full of questions and it seems like we never get the real answer we want so we even start question our own existence and its importance.  Here are the results from the last poll:  Do you know what your purpose in life is?
  • (35%) Yes. But I wish it was easier to do.  As expected this is the category where most people fall into.  They know who they are but they also know life is full of problems.  They wish it all could be easier but understand life goes on.  They don't quit.  They are morally sound people but struggle with day to day maintenance.  They survive because they see that there is a light at the end of each tunnel but they know that reaching that light is part of the process.
  • (17%) Yes. I know exactly what I am supposed to be doing.  These are the people we all hate.  It seems like everything goes well for them and we get jealous.  But perhaps the reason why life goes well is because they know about their origins and who created them for a purpose.
  • (17%) No. I haven't found it yet.  At least they are searching.  These are the people who read self-help books or those who are always willing to try new things even if they are dangerous.  But the main problem for them is that they are easily led to the wrong answers.  They will grasp onto the new ideas, fads, fashions, books, trends, or anything that makes them feel happier about who they are.
  • (11%) No. I have no purpose in life.  These are the depressed people.  These are the ones who have emotional problems and end up in institutions (not to be looked upon with stigma).  They seek answers but when they get them they don't want to accept them because the answers seem too easy.  They turn to substances.  They turn negative.  They commit suicide.  They lose all focus on life.  They end up blaming others and even God for their dismay.
  • (5%) Yes. But I don't do it.  These people are jerks.  These are the people who make life difficult because they do not do what they are supposed to be doing.
  • (5%) No. I don't care.  These are the biggest jerks.  They are anti-social, serial-killer, lunatics who prey on others. 
  • (5%) I don't care one way or the other.  Any understand these people?
  • (0%) Other.  This option still is confusing but apparently wasn't needed this time anyway.
So what is our purpose?  If we look at this from a human standpoint, the most obvious answer is we are here to help each other.  Life is difficult.  We have different wants, desires, personalities, and coping mechanisms just to name a few.  We need help getting through this life.  When we see someone cry we comfort them.  When we see someone laugh we join them.  When we see someone who needs physical attention we tend to them.  The main point here is that we are not supposed to make life more difficult.  We are supposed to help as many as humanly possible.

However, we are not just human.  We are spiritual beings as well.  Our first and foremost purpose in this life is to prepare for the next one.  Whether you like it or not, you belong to God and His purpose for you is that you find Him.