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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

XXXIV. The Atheist

When you talk to an atheist it seems like the conversation always goes back to a couple of things. So this posting is to any person who calls themselves an atheist. The main question is just out of curiosity so please do not think this is coming at you with a curled fist. But when you talk to atheists who pride themselves with science and the intellect, they all say the same thing:

Prove God exists.

So here is the question: What proof do you want? Let's see if the answer can be guessed of what you want.
  1. You want DNA proof. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen. We can't get DNA from anyone born 4000 years ago unless they have been mummified. And even today according to Maury Povich, DNA is only 99% accurate with all the science we have. So how do you expect to get this?
  2. You want physical proof besides DNA. Be honest how can you prove anything physical? Touch, smell, taste, hear, sight. You can find millions of people who say that the life of Christ was real and that the events in the Bible are real. The Bible is considered a history book. It's funny how some will take one author such as Homer and believe his stories and say that he dipicted his time period perfectly or at least close. Yet, the Bible through the NT had four views (eye witnesses) to the life of Christ and not one of them contradict each other and still people claim it's not real. So if they don't beleive that then how can you prove Jesus Christ lived? We can't find Jimmy Hoffa and he lived in our time. Does that mean he didn't live?
  3. You want to able to add him up and find him mathematically. Are you 2+2? No one can be added up and say ahhh, you live because math says so.
  4. You want to define him grammatically. There are too many words that can describe him as there can be for you and everyone else as well.

These are the proofs demanded from those of the science age. But even science hasn’t caught up to what we want to know about our own world let alone a God who created everything. So no matter what, the answer isn’t going to be satisfying to someone who is not open minded about it.

So when the conversation and the intellect is shut down and you get no answer the atheist always turns to “well, if God exist then why all of the death and destruction”. And there is no great answer for that because we will never understand why anything happens. Sometimes we can’t even understand why we do the things we do when we don’t want to do them. It may not be the best answer but a starting point is found here at an older posting on this site: http://ideasoftimreligion.blogspot.com/2008/09/xi-death-becomes-us.html. Again, it will not suffice the close-minded but it’s a start.

Then it seems when that answer doesn’t help, the atheist always starts to reveal something wrong in their life. A father left. A mother died. A child is sick. They were abused when they were younger. It always ends up with experiences in their own life. So they start to question WHY?! That is when they all turn to intellectualism, because they are trying to find the answers to their own life. And when they can’t find it on their own they blame God for all of the problems and decide there must not be a God.

And for some reason many decide to get involved with Christians in discussion groups to try and prove them wrong. Why? Why can’t you just let someone who believes in Christ just believe in him and let them go? Do you go to Muslim sites and argue with them? Do you go to satanic sites, Buddhists sites, or any other and argue? The best guess is no. If this is wrong then let us know.

Here is the actual answer to the last question: It’s a cry for help. Otherwise why waste all of your valuable time arguing about something that does not exist? Do you go to fairy tale sites and take all that time to argue if pixies do not exist? If God doesn't exist then there is nothing to argue about is there?

You are looking for answers. And that is great. You are intellectuals. That is great. But sometimes God is simple. Sometimes God is not in the earthquake, he is in the whisper. Sometimes he is not in the sky with a lightening bolt waiting to throw it, but he is in your deepest, darkest room, in the loneliest of spots waiting for you to ask to show who he really is. If this is wrong, then tell us why are all of you on these sites? If this is right then why not just leave these sites and comment on your own and invite people to read. It is understandable that some want discussion but when it comes down to this topic, it becomes words of insult and brutality. It no longer becomes a discussion.

Ahh...but you won't answer the question anyway.


ExPatMatt said...


Just thought I'd pop by and say hi!

I can honestly say that I wouldn't expect any (I think any, there may be one or two) of the proofs you mention in this post to be applicable to proving the existence of a god.

Do you think atheists are stupid? I mean, you'd have to be pretty stupid to demand DNA evidence of a supernatural, spiritual being, wouldn't you?

I don't think you can prove that any god exists, directly. I think you can prove that the god in question has done certain things that have left an impact on the world that is measurable - that seems fair.

Anyway, I don't really want to get back into all that - I just wanted to stop by and wish you well.


Tim said...

What's up my man?

No, on the contrary Atheists are usually the smartest people on the earth! But I think though since many of them are very smart they tend to think they know more than anyone else, even God. I will give you a link here: www.u4prez.com

This link allows you to run for president of the US on a mock basis and allows you to debate and stuff. There are plenty of atheists there believe me. There are two though that I debated with about a year ago and that is EXACTLY what they wanted to know. The one guy, I would post his "code name" on here but that might be an infringement of privacy so I won't, literally said DNA was needed!

Dude, thanks for the comment and stop back anytime you have a comment or question. The door is always open.

Take care my friend.

(To all: ExPatMatt and I have just went through three rounds of a good discussion on another site and I have the bruises to prove it...DNA too!)

ExPatMatt said...

Hey man, if the guy actually did want DNA evidence of God then you've got yourself some weapons grade stupid on your hands and you're best off disregarding anything they say!

Statistically speaking, in the US at least, atheists are more likely to be better-educated (note: not smarter), or better-educated people are likely to be atheists - but that doesn't mean that all atheists are clever, or that religious folk are dumb. I think there's a pretty even share of stupidity, arrogance and ignorance across the whole spectrum of human existence.

Please don't let your experience with some atheists cloud your view of all atheists - I know you wouldn't want me to get my impression of Christians from the Westboro Baptist Church...


Tim said...

He is correct people. On average the atheist does have a higher degree than believers. But that actually helps explain what I have said, since they do have a higher education as a whole, the atheist tends to rely upon his own mind for strength. Unfortunately, it's a human mind and it's not perfect. It is flawed and sometimes our minds can platy tricks on us, hence mental instabilities and such.

ExPatMatt, I will try and not put all atheists together. And it looks like I already got your promise to not do that to Christians. Some of us are okay. :)

It should be noted that not all atheists should be looked at as amoral as well a I know many of us will and have. But if you're a Christian you will understand this: good works doesn't mean salvtion. Pray for the atheist, not as if you are superior but as if they need Christ.

Thanks Matt.